“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” John O’ Donohue

Being heard
is so close to being loved
that for the average person,
they are almost indistinguishable.”
― David Augsburger

What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is companioning someone on their spiritual journey by being prayerfully and contemplatively present to God and the directee, by listening intently, creating a sacred space, and bearing witness to God’s presence and personal communication with the directee in prayer and in the ordinary circumstances of their life experiences.

Spiritual direction is not about being directed because God is the true director. Spiritual direction is not about judging, advising or problem solving. It is not therapy, counseling, preaching or teaching, it is not religious education and it is not new because it dates back to biblical times and can be found in most if not all faith traditions.
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Why is Spiritual Direction helpful?

Spiritual direction is helpful because it enables the directee (person receiving spiritual direction) to focus on and to articulate their experience of God in the myriad and mysterious ways in which God is present: – in prayer and in the sacred writings of various faith traditions – in people and human relationships – in the natural beauty of creation – in the wonders inherent in the ordinary events of daily life. In exploring these experiences and the feelings connected with them, the directee can again encounter the mystery of God and God’s loving call at even deeper levels.

A person may seek spiritual direction when he or she desires to pay better attention to the ways in which God is present and communicating with them and is inviting the person into deeper friendship. This ongoing conversation with another believer presupposes that God is a self-communicating God, who can reveal self to the person through prayer, sacraments, scripture, creation, solitude, human relationships or one's own experiences.
Why Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction fosters a person’s intimate relationship with God, can help one identify and trust ones own experience of God, deepen ones prayer, help one notice interior spiritual movements, while growing in relationship with God, self, others, and creation.

Spiritual direction is especially helpful:
• when one desires to deepen their relationship with God
• when one is experiencing a significant life transition or is grieving a loss or in need of healing
• when one’s prayer life seems stagnant or “stuck”
• when one is discerning critical life choices
• when one is questioning the meaning of life and seeking clarity about one’s purpose
Who offers Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a ministry offered by someone:
• called to this ministry
• committed to their own ongoing and developing relationship with God including ongoing sessions with their own spiritual director and receiving regular supervision from peers or a mentor
• trained in a variety of ways including spirituality, theology and psychology
• certified to accompany others on their spiritual journey.
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A typical spiritual direction session begins with greeting each other, lighting a candle as a symbol to remind us that God is present and that we are on sacred Holy ground.   We sit and reverence the silence as we place ourselves in God’s presence or whomever or whatever God is for you.  The session continues with you sharing how God has been showing up in your prayer, life experiences, and with the people in your life.  You may share your feelings, concerns and desires.  I in turn will be your prayerful contemplative listener.  I will reverence your faith journey and be your witness as we focus, notice and reflect on God’s personal communication and action in the ordinary circumstances of your life in order to deepen your relationship with God. A session may close with a spoken prayer, silence, or gratefully reflecting on where in the session you felt closest to God.

As a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI), I follow the guidelines for ethical conduct set forth in “Guidelines for Ethical Conduct” written by the Ethical Guidelines Task Force for SDI. A copy of the “Guidelines for Ethical Conduct” may be obtained upon request or by visiting www.sdiworld.org.The About page is the core description of your website. Here is where you let clients know what your website is about.

Generally, I meet with directees once a month for one hour. In a retreat setting I may meet with directees daily or once a week depending on the type of retreat.  Spiritual direction is a ministry and a calling, as such, fees/donations are charged to offset costs associated with the ministry. The first session is free with no obligation so that we can see if we are a “good fit” as spiritual companions.  In an effort to ensure that no one is turned away due to cost  subsequent sessions are offered on a sliding fee scale from $40-$60 per hour or by making a donation/offering based on what one can afford.  Sessions are held in my office, via Zoom, or by phone.
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Formation and Education:

Co Director for Manresa Way: An Ignatian Spirituality Ministry offering  The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola 19th Annotation Retreat Annually Sept - May
Certified Prayer Guide for the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola
Certified Spiritual Director:  Spiritual Direction Intern Initiative Sisters of St Joseph Brighton MA
Guest Spiritual Director Eastern Point Retreat House Gloucester, MA
Adjunct instructor for Spiritual Direction Intern Initiative Sisters of St Joseph Brighton MA

BS Accounting University of Southern Maine Portland, ME
MST Bentley University Waltham, MA

My Faith Journey:  I am a practicing Roman Catholic.  My spirituality is grounded in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.   My life was irrevocably changed after experiencing the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises.  I was awakened to a personal God that longs for me too.  I realized that God is always with me and continually communicating with me.  As a result, I fell in love with God and desired to live God’s dream for me.   I felt “called” to be formed as a prayer guide and journey with others making an Ignatian Spiritual Exercises retreat.  I experienced profound joy companioning others and after much discernment with my own spiritual director realized God was calling me to be formed as a Certified Spiritual Director.  I applied and was accepted to the Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative (SDII) at the Sisters of St. Joseph in Brighton Massachusetts where I was trained as a spiritual director in the Ignatian tradition in the dynamics of the 19th Annotation.   The SDII follows the guidelines of Spiritual Directors International (SDI) and includes elements of: theological foundations; psychological foundations; integration with justice; discernment; practicum; and supervision.  

  I work with individuals and groups seeking a closer relationship with God, Spirit, Higher Power to discern meaning and purpose or seeking a closer relationship with the God of their understanding.  I also work with those struggling with questions of faith or in need of healing.  My own background is in the Catholic tradition but I welcome seekers of all traditions including those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious.  I am privileged to offer personal spiritual direction, accompany those desiring to make the Spiritual Exercises, host directed retreats and lead various workshops for those seeking closer union with God.  Spiritual direction is truly Holy ground and I feel profoundly privileged and grateful to listen with another to God’s personal communication and awestruck to witness God’s grace and action in a directee’s life.


To Find a Spiritual Director:

Office of Ignatian Spirituality     https://jesuitseastois.org

Spiritual Directors International     https://www.sdicompanions.org


19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises A Manresa Ignatian Spirituality Ministry.  For more information https://ManresaWay.org or https://IgnatianSpiritualExercises.org

Ignatian Spirituality Partnership of Maine      https://www.ignatianme.org 

Eastern Point Jesuit Retreat House     https://www.easternpoint.org 

Sisters of St Joseph           https://www.csjboston.org

19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises one on one weekly for 30 weeks using Kevin O' Brian's The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life Please contact me directly using the "Contact" page or SpiritualDirection.Ignatian@gmail.com

Ignatian Spirituality:


Become a Spiritual Director

Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative (SDII) held at The Sisters of St Joseph Boston  contact: Sr Joan McCarthy jmccsj@aol.com

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your week-ends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love stay in love and it will decide everything. Pedro Arupe SJ

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